Royal river

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stratford aloft Avon a Town Guide

Welcome to my page on all about Stratford Upon Avon a town which is steeped in historical, as well as cultural traditions. Been the Birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford upon Avon has always been a tourist haven for people from all over the world fascinated to find out more about the famous Bard, from where he lived to where he was buried.
But the town has both historical and modern touches, from Theatres to shopping centres, to Ghost tours, and haunted houses, as well as offering relaxing boating tours along the River Avon, to
walking tours into the beautiful countryside which surrounds Stratford. The history of the town dates back to as far as the 7th century, the town been founded by the Saxons, with the word Straet Ford which means by the roman road, and Avon is a Celtic word which means river or water.

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